The classic all-purpose basket is made from white willow featuring a rolled top and carry handles so it can be transferred from one place to another with ease. Utilise this basket in as many ways as you please, such as picnics or simply storage in the home. Pop in bread during lunch or dinner or a selection of jams the list is endless, it's so practical. The traditional style means it suits most decors and the wicker is expertly woven so no two pieces are ever the same. Features two carry handles for comfort and ease of use.
- All-purpose basket is made from white willow
- Sturdy handles make it easy to carry and the tapered design creates a little elegance
- White twisted wood means it blends in nicely with most decors
- Thick top adds character to the basket
- Two convenient carrying handles
- Size: H:25 x W:58 x D:43cm approx.